lördag 22 augusti 2009

Rigas oldest market

Matīsa market was built in 1902 and is compact enough to be easily explored. The market is popular among intellectuals and people who live around. In market you can get everything starting with nylon socks till handmade cheese. The good thing about this place that you can still find some ecologically produced vegetables and fruits from local farmers. And of course people. People who works here already for many years and are like big family. Most of them ended up here after the crush of Soviet Union. They have the most interesting stories about their career in soviet times which they had to swap to this …

Rolands started to work here on 1992. At that time as a butcher he could earn in one day the same amount of money as he earned in a month as a carpenter. Not only that – butchers were supplied with working closes, equipment and lunch-vouchers. Now all it changed for gainful employment.

söndag 16 augusti 2009

The Green Market - pre-midsummer event in Riga

Zāļu tirgus Doma laukumā

Jau četrpadsmito reizi Zāļu tirgus Doma laukumā pulcēja kopā rīdziniekus un pievilināja tūristus. Kā katru gadu pirms Jāņiem, šajā tirdziņā tika dejots un dziedāts, pirkts un pārdots.